Lynn Saxon will be joining MSD#114 for the 23-24 school year. Lynn will be working as an Instructional Assistant at Wilson Creek. Welcome, Lynn!
about 1 year ago, Manhattan School District 114
Lynn Saxon
Welcome back! We had a great first day of school. It's going to be a great year to play, learn, and grow at Wilson Creek!
about 1 year ago, Wilson Creek Elementary
first day
first day
first day
first day
Get ready to capture those precious smiles! 🤩 MJHS's Picture Day is this Friday, August 25th, and we're excited to create lasting memories of your child's school journey! Proofs will be sent home at a later date. We can't wait to see everyone in their best!
about 1 year ago, MJHS
Picture day
Thank you to our school staff and the Manhattan Police Department for a successful and safe first day of school! We are pleased that Officer Joe and Officer Shannon will be joining us as School Resource Officers again this year. Click here to read their letter to parents:
about 1 year ago, Manhattan School District 114
SRO & School Safety Patrol
Arianne Johnston joins the Manhattan School District as a Technology Assistant for the 23-24 school year. Welcome, Arianne!
about 1 year ago, Manhattan School District 114
Arianne Johnston
Brittany McDonald will be changing roles for the 23-24 school year. She will be moving from Instructional Assistant to Kindergarten teacher for Wilson Creek. We welcome her as she assumes her new role!
about 1 year ago, Manhattan School District 114
Brittany McDonald
MSD#114 Meet and Greet and Supply Drop-off was a huge success! Parents, students, and teachers are all excited for classes to begin on Wednesday.
about 1 year ago, Chris Ruddy
Wilson Creek Emily Mroch
Anna McDonald
Elizabeth Wojdyla will be joining MSD#114 as an Instructional Assistant for Wilson Creek for the 23-23 schoolyear. Welcome, Liz!
about 1 year ago, Manhattan School District 114
Elizabeth Wojdyla
Looking forward to a great opening day @ THE MAC on Wednesday. Let's Do This!
about 1 year ago, Ryan McWilliams
Today was the first meet of the season for the MJHS Cross Country team! Congratulations to our girls' Varsity team for finishing in fourth place! A great start to the season, Demons! 🏃🏼‍♀️🏃👟💙
about 1 year ago, MJHS Athletics
Congratulations to Chris Ruddy on her appointment as a member of the U.S. Department of Education Regional Advisory Committee! It's great for MSD#114 to have a voice on this prestigious committee.
about 1 year ago, Manhattan School District 114
Advisory Committee Appointment
MSD#114 welcomes Fontay Taylor as our new building and grounds worker. Fontay will be assigned to work at Anna McDonald as his primary location. Welcome, Fontay!
about 1 year ago, Manhattan School District 114
Fontay Taylor
Manhattan Orchestras and Choir Perform in front of an over-capacity crowd tonight. Great job, musicians as well as their Director, Miss Perkne!
about 1 year ago, Dr. Pacheco
If you haven't signed up for the first two weeks of hot lunches (08/23/2023-09/1/2023), make sure to pack a lunch from home for your student. Keep an eye out for the next lunch sign-up form, which will be sent out on Tuesday, August 22nd and will be due on August 29th. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Jennifer Zola at or contact your child's school. We are looking forward to seeing everyone soon!
about 1 year ago, Manhattan School District 114
Lunch Information
Amanda Annese will be joining the MSD#1114 team as a 3rd Grade Teacher for Anna McDonald for the 23-24 school year. Welcome, Amanda!
about 1 year ago, Manhattan School District 114
Amanda Annese
Manhattan 114 Bands at work for their Sumer Concert under the direction of Mrs. Pedziwater. Great work!
about 1 year ago, Dr. Pacheco
Amy Guzek will be re-joining MSD#114 as a Physical Education / Health teacher at MJHS for the 23-24 school year. She has previously worked with us in a few capacities and we are happy to have her back! Welcome back, Amy!
about 1 year ago, Manhattan School District 114
Amy Guzek
Ashley Sexton will be joining MSD#114 for the 23-24 school year as an Instructional Assistant at Wilson Creek. Welcome, Ashley!
about 1 year ago, Manhattan School District 114
Ashley Sexton
MSD#114 welcomes our newest staff at our new staff luncheon. Excited to start the new school year!
about 1 year ago, Chris Ruddy
new staff lunch
MSD#114 welcomes Andrea Baker to the Wilson Creek team. Andrea will be working in the 2nd grade SI classroom for the 23-24 school year. Welcome, Andrea!
about 1 year ago, Manhattan School District 114
Andrea Baker