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Sara Sutter
Speech Pathologist
Rebecca Tatar
Social Worker
Wilson Creek
Fontay Taylor
Building & Grounds
District Office
Gordon Taylor
Building & Grounds
District Office
Danielle Thomas
SI Instructional Assistant
Anna McDonald School
Judith Tierney
Administrative Assistant
Anna McDonald School
(815) 478-3310
Mary Ellen Tolbert
Occupational Therapist
Wilson Creek
Alicia Tooley
Specialized Instruction Teacher
Kristin Tovello
SS/ELA Teacher
Joseph Turek
PE/Health Teacher
Ashley Turek
4th Grade Teacher
Anna McDonald School
Andrea Turrisi
Math Intervention
Wilson Creek
Katherine Van Gampler
PFA Instructional Assistant
Wilson Creek
Michele Walker
Kindergarten Teacher
Wilson Creek
Katie Wallace
1st Grade Teacher
Wilson Creek
Brandy Walsh
Fine Arts Teacher
Wilson Creek
Alyssa Ward
Speech Language Pathologist
Wilson Creek
Joyce Watson
Reading Intervention Teacher
Josephine Wetzel
Preschool for All Teacher
Wilson Creek
Amber Winemiller
Math Teacher