Wilson Creek Kindergarten Screenings
Wilson Creek Incoming Kindergarten parents,
We look forward to the opportunity to meet your child for a Kindergarten Screening this summer. Screenings will be held on July 14th and July 15th. Screening information is used to help us build well-rounded classes and prepare to smoothly transition each child into our Kindergarten program. Parents accompany their child into the building and the screening takes approximately 15-20 minutes. Parents will complete a questionnaire while their student works with a staff member. We look forward to meeting your child!
Please use the following steps to schedule a screening for your child:
· Step 1 – Pre-Register at https://wcgeneral.schoolsoft.com. (DO NOT include “www” in the url) You can set up a Parent Account by following the link above. Click the REGISTER NOW button and complete the registration form. Your login credentials (email and password) will remain in the system to make it easy to access the Conference Manager in the future.
Please note that in order to enhance functionality and security, the Conference Manager requires you to use Internet Explorer 7 (or above), Firefox 3 (or above) or Safari 4 (or above). If you are using an older browser, the Conference Manager will automatically prompt you to update your browser and provide you with a link. This is a one-time process and only takes a couple of minutes.
In order to ensure that your email program does not block emails sent from the Conference Manager, we suggest adding appointments@schoolsoft.com to your address book.
· Step 2 – Conference Manager Opens to Parents – Thursday, June 17th at 8:00 AM
You can access the Parent Login Page using the link in the Confirmation Email. If you do not receive a Confirmation Email, you can login by going directly to https://wcgeneral.schoolsoft.com.
If you do not have Internet access, you are welcome to contact the office and we will schedule the Kindergarten Screening on your behalf.
· Step 3 – Book your child’s Kindergarten Screening – Select a session date > Select Mrs. Maher > Next > Select a time slot and complete the information. After booking your screening you can print off your schedule. You can log into the system at any time to view your bookings, print, cancel or re-schedule appointments.
Important Dates:
Anytime Pre-Registration begins
6/17 Start scheduling your interviews at 8:00 AM
7/9 Conference Manager closes at 3:00 PM
7/14 & 7/15 Kindergarten Screenings
If you have any questions or need assistance, or are not available on these dates, please contact Debbie Jones at dejones@manhattan114.org.