November 6, 2020

Dear Parents/Guardians:


Good afternoon! It’s hard to believe that we have just completed our fourth week of in-person learning and our tenth week of the 2020-2021 school year. This week we would like to take the opportunity to share some very important information regarding the following topics:

  • Parent surveys for in-person learning and remote learning environments

  • Changing your child’s learning environment selection for trimester 2

  • Curriculum and assessment information

Parent Surveys

We would like to thank all of our families for their patience and understanding throughout this school year. Our students and staff have been working diligently to make the most of our current reality, and our success is due to the ongoing support of our families, community, and Board of Education. In an effort to continually evaluate our effectiveness, we are seeking feedback from you. Please take some time to complete the appropriate survey for the learning environment that your child(ren) engages in before Wednesday, November 11th. 

Learning Environment Selection for Trimester 2

The second trimester begins on November 20th, and as presented in our Return to School Plan, families have the opportunity to change their learning environment selection for the second trimester. In order to best serve our students it is imperative that each family make a commitment to in-person learning or full-remote learning for the duration of the trimester (November 20th - March 5th). If you wish to change your child’s learning environment for trimester 2, you must contact the building principal before Wednesday, November 11th. 

Curriculum and Assessment

The beginning of this school year has consisted of unprecedented levels of communication from the District, individual schools, and teachers regarding instructional models, schedules, procedures, protocols, etc. In previous years, much of that information would have been presented to families in an open house/curriculum night format within the first trimester. Due to the current circumstances we have prepared a presentation that highlights the main aspects of our learning standards, curricular resources, and assessments. You may view the Curriculum Presentation through the links below. There is also an opportunity to submit questions via a Google Form. 

As we move into the colder months where we tend to spend more time indoors, it is increasingly important for everyone to work together to maintain social distance, wear masks when necessary, and practice good hand hygiene. We will continue to do everything we can inside the schools, as well as clean and sanitize nightly and daily. Due to our efforts and everyone working together to follow the procedures and protocols, in the four weeks that students have been back to learning in-person, we have had 12 positive cases spread out among the 3 schools and/or buses. We appreciate everyone's understanding and cooperation as we have to quarantine "close contacts" for the 14-day period, but it takes a commitment on all our parts to be able to control the spread of the virus inside the schools and that is exactly what we want to do inorder for the safest possible environment for our staff to teach and our students to learn. 


Rusty Ragon, Superintendent of Schools

Kristen Morphew, Director of Curriculum and Instruction